UVa: Cemetery Not Woke Enough

To: Bert EllisMy thanks to you for your valuable time and effort to save what we know and love about UVa. Here's another example of Wahoo Wokeism gone wild. Please help Trula and me if and when you can.Twenty years ago Trula and I paid for the creation of a self-guided tour brochure for the very historic UVa Cemetery which has been re-printed three times over the years. This self-guided tour brochure has been available to visitors from all-weather dispensers at each cemetery entrance. Today those dispensers are EMPTY. Why is that? Because the UVa Cemetery Committee ruled we could NO LONGER give them away because they do not tell the story of slaves buried OUTSIDE THE WALLS OF THE CEMETERY.Because of our not telling the story of the burial of slaves outside of cemetery walls all over the world, we must stop educating students about the past accomplishments of those buried within the walls! This is flagrant wokeism and cancel culture which must be CRUSHED.By copy of this letter I am asking President Jim Ryan to please instruct the UVa Cemetery Committee to return to Trula and me the brochures we paid for but they will not hand out. President Ryan, I would like for you to know I served six years as Trustee of UVa's IDEA Fund and personally paid for the first brochure used by UVa Guides to explain the contribution of enslaved workers. In addition we paid for a stone in the walk in front of the Chapel to recognize 55 years of service to UVa by former slave Henry Martin. As a Lawn Society member I have no plan from this point forward to make any charitable gifts to UVa. Please return our brochures so we can put them to use elsewhere!SincerelyTrula and John WrightBA'61; MBA '63.

James Bacon

After a 25-year career in Virginia journalism, James A. Bacon founded Bacon’s Rebellion in 2002 a blog with the goal of “Reinventing Virginia for the 21st Century.” Its focus is on building more prosperous, livable and sustainable communities. In recent years he has concentrated more on the spread of “woke” ideology in K-12 schools, the criminal justice system, higher education, and medicine.

In 2021, he co-founded The Jefferson Council to preserve free speech, intellectual diversity, and the Jeffersonian legacy at his alma mater the University of Virginia. He previously served as the organization’s executive director, now serving as congributing editor.

Aside from blogging, Bacon writes books. His first was Boomergeddon: How Runaway Deficits Will Bankrupt the Country and Ruin Retirement for Aging Baby Boomers — And What You Can Do About It, followed by Maverick Miner: How E. Morgan Massey Became a Coal Industry Legend and a work of science fiction, Dust Mites: the Siege of Airlock Three.

A Virginian through-and-through, Bacon lives in Richmond with his wife Laura.


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