Virginia Association of Scholars Readings, Week of Sept. 26
MIT moves forward with ‘freedom of expression’ statement | The College FixCampus Reform | A college professor is challenging the politicization of K-12 educationSouth Dakota Could Pass America's Best History Curriculum ( website allows faculty to rate campus administrators | The College FixNAS Recommends Substantial Revisions to Virginia's Proposed History and Social Science Standards by National Association of Scholars | NASNew Campaign for Social Studies Standards Reform by David Randall | NASCalifornia State University professors’ group defends ‘open debate and free inquiry’ | The College FixAcademic Administrators Are Strangling Our Universities - Tablet MagazineTaxProf Blog ( Blog ( the Ivy League's Jewish quotas shaped higher education ( Reform | University of Michigan prepares to launch 'DEI 2.0' programCampus Reform | WATCH: 'DEI has taken over' civics educationScientists defend censorship, cancel culture as ‘recalibrating,’ ‘consequences culture’ | The College FixNew study finds 80% of faculty trained at 20% of institutions ( Committed Journalism, and Princeton Told Me Not to Communicate - WSJTexas A&M faces lawsuit alleging hiring discrimination against white and Asian males | The College Fix