Guest Column James Bacon Guest Column James Bacon

The Snowflake Factory

Jim Bacon: If this emerging paradigm is correct, UVA and other higher-ed institutions are taking a generation of students coddled by parents and K-12 schools to begin with and making things worse.

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Guest Column Allan C. Stam Guest Column Allan C. Stam

Why are You So Mad?

University presidents must reclaim their roles as impartial administrators rather than advocates of progressive causes, ensuring that institutions of higher learning return to their core teaching and research missions. Guest contributor Alan C. Stam offers his thoughts.

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Guest Column A Correspondent in Virginia Guest Column A Correspondent in Virginia

Not the UVA I Remember

Alumnus to TJC after UVA tour: “No history lesson of the Grounds, its architecture, or its purpose. No homage to TJ and his vision for the advancement of an enlightened society. No fabled stories about the secret societies, or traditions at the sporting events or around Grounds. Nothing.”

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