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UVA Faculty Have Seceded from the Honor System
The Jefferson Council has received a letter from a senior University of Virginia faculty member who, for fear of retaliation, asks to remain anonymous. He outlines what he calls “generic” concerns of the UVA faculty. The first focuses on a critical dysfunction of the Honor System.
How UVA Holds Students “Accountable”
If such bullying behavior is shown to be the norm for some types of students and not others, UVA has a very big problem.
Remembering and Reinvigorating the UVA Honor Code
The University of Virginia Honor System is governed by students, but the Board of Visitors is enjoined by its mission statement to support and uphold the Honor System. Here's what the Board can do to strengthen the culture of Honor at UVA without infringing upon student sovereignty.
Fall 2024 Board of Visitors Welcome Brief: Letter from the President
Read The Jefferson Council President Tom Neale's letter to the UVA Board of Visitors, included in TJC's Fall 2024 BOV Welcome Brief.
The Jefferson Council Responds to the Defacing of Israeli Flag at UVA’s McIntire School
As an organization committed to those Jeffersonian principles which formed UVA 205 years ago, The Jefferson Council is prepared to serve as an independent source of information and analysis for the new Board of Visitors.
The Jefferson Council Hails New Board Appointments at the University of Virginia
As an organization committed to those Jeffersonian principles which formed UVA 205 years ago, The Jefferson Council is prepared to serve as an independent source of information and analysis for the new Board of Visitors.
An Open Letter to Governor Youngkin: Pick Fighters for the UVA Board
Nominate individuals who will have the grit to fight for the university, its history, its legacy, and its students.
What Would Thomas Jefferson Say About Disruptions on the Grounds?
Perhaps Ryan could draw spine-stiffening inspiration from the University's founder Thomas Jefferson, who dealt with student riots in 1825.
Morgan Bettinger Lawsuit Settled
Morgan Bettinger has resolved her lawsuit with the University and its administrators. Learn more about her case and allegations of the UVA Administration’s responsibility for the alleged deprivations of her federally protected civil rights.
How Widespread is Cheating at UVA?
Honor Council members believe in the Honor Code and their efforts are to be commended. But if students are unwilling to turn in offenders, and if the faculty reformats its tests in lieu of prosecuting cheaters, then the "community of trust" does not seem to be working as advertised.
More Media Pick up the Morgan Bettinger Story
The Morgan Bettinger story and lawsuit continues to garner national attention.
Compelled Speech: the Morgan Bettinger Case
Morgan Bettinger was found guilty of violating UVA's Standards of Conduct after she was overheard speaking to a garbage truck driver and was accused of making a threat. The student judiciary instituted a punishment in the form of compelled speech to avoid expulsion.