Guest Column James Bacon Guest Column James Bacon

UVA Report Finds No Pay Inequity for Black, Hispanic Faculty

The Racial Equity Task Force, a 2020 document that transformed governance at the University of Virginia, listed 12 top priorities for addressing the legacy of historical racism. One was to address "serious challenges to racial equity in staff hiring, wages, retention, promotion, and procurement" but the report cited no actual evidence of disparities in pay.

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Guest Column James Bacon Guest Column James Bacon

UVA as a “Maze of Predatory Systems”

Back in 2020, I was saddened and appalled when a student living on the Lawn scrawled "F--- UVA" in massive letters on her door. Where did this animosity originate? How had such thinking gained traction at Mr. Jefferson's University? The EscapeRoom exhibit provides part of the answer.

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Guest Column James Bacon Guest Column James Bacon

In Their Own Words: Lanice Avery

Meet Dr. Lanice Avery, assistant professor in the departments of psychology and women, gender, and sexuality, whose work as a "board-certified sexologist" conforms to the intersectional-oppression paradigm that is increasingly prevalent at UVA.

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Guest Column James Bacon Guest Column James Bacon

"Decolonizing" Therapy

The University of Virginia's School of Education and Human Development maintains a program, Youth-Nex, that is dedicated to "supporting developmental science that is not only anti-racist but is in the service of dismantling white supremacy."

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