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Keffiyehs, Yarmulkes, and Belonging at UVA
Whatever UVA leadership might have said to people in private, their words and actions have been ineffectual in altering the reality that pro-Palestinian students feel comfortable wearing their badges of loyalty while most Jews have stopped wearing theirs.
UVA Report Finds No Pay Inequity for Black, Hispanic Faculty
The Racial Equity Task Force, a 2020 document that transformed governance at the University of Virginia, listed 12 top priorities for addressing the legacy of historical racism. One was to address "serious challenges to racial equity in staff hiring, wages, retention, promotion, and procurement" but the report cited no actual evidence of disparities in pay.
UVA as a “Maze of Predatory Systems”
Back in 2020, I was saddened and appalled when a student living on the Lawn scrawled "F--- UVA" in massive letters on her door. Where did this animosity originate? How had such thinking gained traction at Mr. Jefferson's University? The EscapeRoom exhibit provides part of the answer.
In Their Own Words: Marisa Williamson
Meet Marisa Williamson. The Harvard-educated assistant professor in the University of Virginia art department works in video, image-making, installation and performance art around themes of history, race, feminism, and technology.
Why Can’t the University of Virginia Tell the Truth About Its $1 Billion DEI Plan?
UVA is in the midst of a $1 billion DEI program. Student tuition, progressive third-party foundations, and taxpayer money fund this massive initiative. However, the tenets of DEI are fundamentally anti-American and radical.
The Use and Misuse of a UVA Lecture Series
The problem at UVA is not showcasing Bartov's perspective. The problem is showcasing only one side of a contentious debate.
Assigning Extra Credit for Attending Pro-Hamas Event
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion staff at the University of Virginia downplayed concerns about Tessa Farmer, an anthropology professor who reportedly offered extra credit to students to attend a Students for Justice in Palestine-organized teach-in.
What Viewpoint Diversity Looks Like at the University of Virginia
A review of upcoming events at the University of Virginia shows vividly how UVA has become an intellectual monoculture that explores only ideas that fall within a narrow partisan and ideological range.
University of Virginia Spends $20 Million on 235 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Employees
Tens of millions of dollars in student tuition and taxpayer monies are flowing into promoting anti-American notions and radical philosophies that judge the color of one’s skin instead of the content — and competence — of their character.
In Their Own Words: Christa Noel Robbins
Meet Christa Noel Robbins who teaches art history at the University of Virginia who was motivated to cancel class by solidarity with the "Yes on Divest Walkout."
In Their Own Words: Rachel Spraker
Meet Rachel Spraker (she/they), assistant vice president of equity and inclusive excellence at the University of Virginia, and one of fifteen staff members in the university's Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
In Their Own Words: Lanice Avery
Meet Dr. Lanice Avery, assistant professor in the departments of psychology and women, gender, and sexuality, whose work as a "board-certified sexologist" conforms to the intersectional-oppression paradigm that is increasingly prevalent at UVA.
UVA Students Want Vote on Israel Divestment
Today, "civil dialogue" at the University of Virginia means listening passively to the demands of the militant, ideological minority.
"Decolonizing" Therapy
The University of Virginia's School of Education and Human Development maintains a program, Youth-Nex, that is dedicated to "supporting developmental science that is not only anti-racist but is in the service of dismantling white supremacy."
Scott Surovell's End Run Around Jason Miyares
The battle for control of higher-ed institutions in Virginia is boiling over into the state legislature.
Enacting Racial Change by Design
The backlash against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in higher-ed may be gathering momentum across the country, but the University of Virginia is rolling out a new DEI initiative oblivious to the shift in the national mood.
When Protesters Misbehave, Who Pays for Campus Security?
If an event is held on a college campus and the university police department mobilizes twenty to thirty officers and auxiliary personnel to maintain order and keep everyone safe, who should pay the bill?
UVA Needs an Honest Assessment of Its COVID Response
How many students got shots against their will? How many parents had their concerns overridden? Don’t we all deserve an honest appraisal? And perhaps some heartfelt apologies?