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Fall 2024 Board of Visitors Welcome Brief: Letter from the President
Read The Jefferson Council President Tom Neale's letter to the UVA Board of Visitors, included in TJC's Fall 2024 BOV Welcome Brief.
Docs Up in Arms
A letter from 128 physicians to the University of Virginia Board of Visitors has urged the Board to uphold academic freedom, free speech and patient safety by replacing UVA Health Systems CEO Craig Kent and medical school Dean Melina Kibbe.
The Jefferson Council Responds to the Defacing of Israeli Flag at UVA’s McIntire School
As an organization committed to those Jeffersonian principles which formed UVA 205 years ago, The Jefferson Council is prepared to serve as an independent source of information and analysis for the new Board of Visitors.
TJC Mention in The Daily Progress: UVA Suspends Student Tours Accused of Pushing 'Woke' History
The Daily Progress' Jason Armesto quotes The Jefferson Council President Tom Neale: "The tragedy is that hundreds if not thousands of parents and prospective students elected not to attend UVA as a result of this not being rectified earlier."
TJC Mention in NBC News: University of Virginia Suspends Tours That Had Come Under Fire
NBC News' David K. Li quotes The Jefferson Council President Tom Neale: "We raised the issue and now that they have 13 (appointees) ... all of them looked at this and said this has to change."
TJC Mention in New York Times: University of Virginia Suspends Tours
The New York Times' Stephanie Saul quotes The Jefferson Council President Tom Neale: "If we can get balanced tours, which is your first blush for many coming to U.Va., that’s all we want."
The Hard Truth About UVA's (Un)Affordability
While we applaud national recognitions of our beloved alma mater, recent rankings do not paint a full picture of the “affordability” of a UVA education. UVA is not cost competitive. Expenses must be drastically reduced.
DEI at UVA Astronomy: the Stars are Not Aligned
It is beyond the Astronomy Department’s power to boost the number of minorities capable of flourishing in the sciences. Until change occurs in the K-12 education system, it’s not evident what all the Department’s DEI activity can accomplish.
A Playpen for Social-Justice Activists
What does UVA’s Equity Center do? Bacon’s Rebellion founder and TJC contributing editor James Bacon offers his thoughts.
The Jefferson Council President: Massive Expense Reductions Must be Priority for New BOV
Mr. Jefferson’s legacy cannot be preserved unless we ensure that the cost of a University of Virginia education remains competitive with our peer universities.
Visions From Monticello
In Monticello’s realm, where dreams and doubts collide, I find within the past a guiding light, And hope that through our journey’s winding tide, We honor all who dared to stand and fight.
The Jefferson Council Hails New Board Appointments at the University of Virginia
As an organization committed to those Jeffersonian principles which formed UVA 205 years ago, The Jefferson Council is prepared to serve as an independent source of information and analysis for the new Board of Visitors.
An Open Letter to Governor Youngkin: Pick Fighters for the UVA Board
Nominate individuals who will have the grit to fight for the university, its history, its legacy, and its students.
TJC Mention: Welcome to the Silencing of Dissenters
Americans need to begin to consider whether reorganization and reform of established academic institutions, including one founded by Thomas Jefferson, may be necessary.
Taking a Bold Stand for Intellectual Diversity and Civil Dialogue at UVA
Since the advent of anti-Israel / anti-Jewish rhetoric and behaviors of questionable legality on Grounds, our goal to promote a culture of civil dialogue at the University of Virginia has been brought into clear focus.
Why are You So Mad?
University presidents must reclaim their roles as impartial administrators rather than advocates of progressive causes, ensuring that institutions of higher learning return to their core teaching and research missions. Guest contributor Alan C. Stam offers his thoughts.
UVA Grad Students Urge Withholding of Year-End Grades
The United Campus Workers of Virginia at the University of Virginia has launched a campaign urging faculty and graduate students to withhold grades until the Ryan administration capitulates to its demands of amnesty for people arrested during the crackdown on the pro-Palestinian “liberation zone.”
Faculty Senate Votes for Review of Encampment Shutdown
The University of Virginia Faculty Senate voted to call for an "independent and external" review of the use of police force to shut down the pro-Palestinian "liberation zone." TJC contributing editor Jim Bacon offers his thoughts.
Board of Visitors Meets in Special Closed Session, Takes No Action
Watch this recording of a special closed session of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors regarding the UVA Encampment for Palestine.
So Much for Empathetic Listening
Students and faculty at the University of Virginia often talk about having "hard conversations" about the tragic realities. But do they have any interest in confronting discomfiting truths themselves? TJC contributing editor Jim Bacon writes.